Solar Panels – Save on Your Power Bills and Help the Environment

solar panels lake macquarie nsw

Many Lake Macquarie residents are prioritising saving dollars & helping the environment by switching to solar. The average residential solar system in the 2280 postcode area produces over 25kW a day, with surplus energy exported to the grid earning 5c per kilowatt-hour under the current NSW feed in tariff rate.

Why Choose Us?

The sun is our largest source of energy – and the best way to harness it is with a solar power system. It consists of solar panels, an inverter and a monitor that tracks production of electricity. You can add a Solahart solar hot water system or a home battery to increase your savings even more.

The average residential solar power system in the Lake Macquarie area produces over 25kW a day, with surplus electricity exported back into the grid for a generous 5c per kWh feed in tariff. These households are also saving on their energy bills and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions.

Living sustainably is one of the most cost-efficient ways to save on energy bills. Reclaim Energy can show you how to do it with a home or business solar panel system and become Solar Powered.

Solar Panel Installation

The sun’s energy can be turned into electricity to help save you money on your power bills*. Solar panel prices have fallen significantly in recent years making them much more affordable for households.

A solar panel system converts sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity which is then fed to your household energy appliances. An inverter then turns this DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity for you to use.

If your system produces more energy than you are using it will feed the excess back into the grid for a generous 5c per kilowatt hour feed in tariff**. This can greatly reduce your energy costs and offset greenhouse gas emissions.

On average, solar systems in the 2280 postcode area produce over 25kW of energy a day, with some even producing more. This equates to savings on your power bill of over $1,583 a year**. The best way to maximise your solar energy benefits is to get your panels cleaned regularly, which will keep them operating at peak performance.

Solar Panel Maintenance

Solar panel cleaning services are essential to ensure your system performs as intended. Environmental factors such as dust, grime, bird droppings, lichen and salt air can drastically cut power output. This reduces your energy savings and cancels out the initial investment.

Luckily, routine cleaning prevents these issues. Solar panels should be cleaned two to four times a year, depending on local weather conditions. Cleaning in the fall and spring is particularly important, since leaves and debris tend to gather on them. In addition to cleaning, solar panels should be checked regularly for issues like loose mountings and wires. Inspecting them in person is also a good idea, as it lets you see any problems before they become serious.

In most cases, solar companies provide warranties that cover some maintenance costs. These usually include a materials-and-workmanship warranty and a performance guarantee, such as one that guarantees peak power output won’t drop below 80 percent over 25 years.

Solar Panel Repairs

Solar energy systems generate electricity using solar panels and inverters which convert sunlight into a form of electricity that can be used at home. They are an efficient alternative energy solution that will help you save on your power bills and reduce carbon emissions.

Solar power is one of the most popular energy solutions for Australian homeowners. It is known for offering massive energy bill savings, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and boosting property values. However, the system is not set-and-forget – it requires regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Our team of experienced electricians provide solar panel services across Lake Macquarie, Newcastle and the surrounding areas. We can perform a comprehensive inspection and advise you on the best solution for your home. We can also clean your solar panels to improve their performance and increase efficiency. Regular solar panel cleaning will keep your system producing the expected amount of energy and tracking the savings to your bill.

from Solar Panels Lake Macquarie


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